Warren Buffett spends $0 on longevity hacks at 94-Know all about the billionaire’s ‘unconventional’ eating habits

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Billionaire investor and Berkshire Hathaway co-founder Warren Buffett has ben as inspiration to people across the world. Often called the “Oracle of Omaha,” Buffet is one of the most successful investors of all time.

Born in 1930 in Omaha, Nebraska, he showed an early interest in business and investing, eventually founding Berkshire Hathaway. Known for his frugal lifestyle and philanthropy, Buffett has pledged most of his fortune to charitable causes through the Giving Pledge.

Craig Brockie, Founder & CEO, Ultimate Health Solutions recently took to X (erstwhile Twitter) and shared the billionaire’s unconventional anti-aging protocol. Brockie is an entrepreneur, and teacher often shares the secrets of health, wealth, and happiness.

“Warren Buffett spends $0 on longevity hacks at 93. Yet he’s mentally sharper than 90% of CEOs half his age. The best part? He drinks 5 Cokes, eats McDonald’s and Dairy Queen daily,” he wrote.

He revealed that most billionaires obsess over personal chefs, organic food and strict diet plans. But Buffett’s philosophy?

“I checked the actuarial tables, and the lowest death rate is among 6-year-olds. So I decided to eat like a 6-year-old,” Brockie quoted Buffett in the thread.

He also revealed that Buffett’s precise breakfast ritual is based on the market. “If stocks are: UP: $3.17 bacon, egg & cheese biscuit; FLAT: $2.95 sausage, egg & cheese and DOWN: $2.61 two sausage patties. And, of course, sometimes he’ll throw in a Coke,” he said.

Brockie also highlighted his controversial Coca-Cola addiction. “I’m 1/4 Coca-Cola,” Buffett jokes about his 2,700 daily calories. While Silicon Valley CEOs do CrossFit and marathons, Buffett keeps it minimal:

  • 30-minute daily walks
  • 8 hours of bridge weekly
  • Occasional golf

“Exercise feels like prison time.”

Interestingly, Buffett loves sleeping. His sleep cycle involves:

  • 8 hours every night
  • Up at 6:45 AM daily
  • No early meetings
  • Never sacrifices rest

“I get less than 8, I feel it.”

“Yet he runs a trillion-dollar company at 94. Buffett proves joy, consistency, and stress-free eating might matter more than “perfect” nutrition. Is Buffet onto something we don’t know, or is he an exception?” Brockie said.